Friday, June 27, 2014

Stuff I Did Today

I tried to follow my goal of getting up when my alarm went off. I set three and was up by the third one, which is an improvement over endless snoozing until I really have no choice but to get up. The nicest part about getting up early is that I get to say goodbye to Tom on his way to work instead of just having some vague memory of him telling me he's leaving and getting a kiss of the head I may or may not remember.

After he left, I shook off the sleep and did a few things.

Today I...

Did some yoga

Enjoyed a leisurely pot of tea, a healthy smoothie and read my book

I put together a fruit salad

 I made a breakfast of eggs and leftovers from last night's dinner

I made a lunch box to take to work with healthy snacks

I brushed my teeth
And I wrote on my blog!

Now I am off to work a double. Literally right now. I'm late. See you!

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