Monday, June 23, 2014

Sheridan's To-Do List: Not just for Tuesdays any more

My name is Sheridan and I am a to-do list addict.

My addiction probably stems from Tuesdays. I don't work Tuesdays. I am a waittress and for whatever reason Tuesday has been my only really consistent day off. Which is cool, some restaurant workers never know what day they are going to have off, if any. You know what's not cool? No one has off on Tuesdays except for me. Not my husband, not my friends, not my parents, no one. I have the whole day all to myself, whether I want it or not.

Now, this isn't the worst thing in the world. I LIKE me time. Who doesn't? But I also like getting things done and trying to keep my life organized. The problem is, I'm not very good at it. I'm a well known procrastinator and a bit lazy as well. My dad suggested that when my senior yearbook in high school offered no clubs or sports or activities to accompany my picture that the caption should read: "I'm about to...". It wouldn't have been totally inappropriate.

So, in order to keep myself from falling into a Sex and the City binge, or surfing the web for recipes I'll never get around to cooking or exercises I will never get around to doing, or just spacing all day on the couch, I started To-Do List Tuesday. I compile a list of everything I want to accomplish, from laundry to cooking a weeks worth of meals to planning how I will change the world to flossing.

Pretty typical to-do list
Most of the things get crossed off, some don't. I feel like there should always be one or two things that don't get done, always something to do tomorrow. If we always finished everything, what would there be to look forward to? Oh, wait, I'm justifying my procrastination again. I think there might be somet truth there regardless.

Lately, though, I have found myself keeping these to-do lists on Saturdays. And Sundays. And, even, Monday or Wednesday! I need to-do lists every day! There is so much to do, so little time to do it. And I forget stuff like it's my job. My actual job is literally to remember stuff, remember what people tell me to do. I can do that, but when it comes to things I need to do, I need it written down. Just like I write down orders from my customers, I write down orders from myself. And you know what? It helps.

I've been starting bigger and more long term to do lists, too. Things like, get a short story published in a respected journal, cook all of our food from scratch, and, more immediately, run a half marathon.

Yup, I'm  running a half marathon in exactly six months. Six months from today. Thirteen point one miles. What the ----. More on this next time.

Face masks are a regular on The List
So, here we are. Another thing crossed off my to-do list: start new blog about things I am going to do. Or did. Or am doing currently, like the face mask as shown above. Face masks are really lovely, in case you didn't already know.

Thanks for joining in the first installment of Sheridan's To-Do List. Add to your to-do list to leave a comment about things that you like to put on your to-do list. Motivate me by telling me all the things you would forget to do without having it written down!

Today's To-Done List (or, things I did today)

- worked
- gym (2.5 miles on elliptical, some weight exercises from a magazine)
- healthy breakfast (kale and fruit smoothie, fish tacos)
- delicious dinner (spaghetti with pesto and hot sausage, arugula salad)
- water the garden
- organize stuff I'm not using to be donated
- face mask (currently doing)
- start a blog
- floss


Dinner win.

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